Workshops for Parents and Professionals

Workshops for Parents and Professionals

Natalie Hall is an experienced Early Childhood Professional with 25 years experience as a baby and toddler sleep and behavioural consultant and Circle of Security Facilitator. Nat provides strategies and solutions around toddler and pre-schooler sleep, attachment and behaviour.

Nat offers friendly and relaxed workshops for parents of children aged 0-6 years and for health professionals. Two hour workshops can be held in your home, your office, Childcare Centres and other community settings.

In-Home Support

Natalie Hall is an experienced Early Childhood Professional with 25 years experience as a baby and toddler sleep and behavioural consultant and Circle of Security Facilitator. Nat provides strategies and solutions around toddler and pre-schooler sleep, attachment and behaviour.

Nat offers friendly and relaxed workshops for parents of children aged 0-6 years and for health professionals. Two hour workshops can be held in your home, your office, Childcare Centres and other community settings.

Sleep My Little Bub Workshops And In-Home Consultations Cover

  • How do I encourage my baby or toddler to sleep independently?
  • How do I learn to read my childs cues?
  • How can I encourage positive behaviour?
  • What is the Circle of Security and how does it help?
  • How does play help you connect with your child?
  • How can my family experience peaceful meal times?
  • What are some successful baby, toddler and pre-schooler sleep and behaviour strategies?
  • How do I look after my well-being and mental-health?

Workshop participants also receive take-away resources, a friendly QnA session and follow up support to build confidence and skills.